Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Charlie the Snowman

So all last week in the great state of North Carolina we had a "snow storm". Well what us southerners like to call a snow storm :) Justin is a High School Spanish teacher...so therefore they cancelled school. So when school is off, so is Justin! We were so excited with all this snow that came in. Justin got this great idea in his head that we should build a huge snowman. I thought it was a great idea too, but I didn't really know how big he exactly wanted it to be in his mind. So we started off that morning building it. We were out there for probably about 3 hours. We both had made some decent size balls and decided to take a break. That night we went back to work. Making the snowman went by a lot faster because the snow had harden a little more. By the time we were done we had made a 9 foot snowman that we called Charlie. You had to see him in person...the picture's don't justify how big he really was. We had people walk by and take picture's with Charlie. The poor snowman got knocked over the first night and we waited a couple of days...but then we decided that Charlie must live again! :) So we fixed him right back up and made him look good as ever! He lasted a couple of nights until he got knocked over once again. That's an apartment complex for ya I guess right? :) Now we have a huge ball of snow sitting in front of our apartment...we think it will last at least 3 months...were hoping more just to see how long it really does last! Anyways the snowman pics are below...ENJOY!

Justin beginning to roll his snow ball
It's a start!
Me deciding where to start mine
Just keeping rolling
The beginning of my snowman
My little snowball
The first part of our snowmans...we decided to take a little break.
And finally in the end...CHARLIE THE 9 FOOT SNOWMAN!
We were soo excited...as you can tell...he is way taller then Justin
This is Charlie and Justin again when we had to rebuild him.
In all his pride and glory
The last pic we ever had with Charlie


  1. I'm sorry he got knocked down twice, but kudos to you two, that is one huge snowman

  2. I must admit... that's an awesome snowman!

  3. Thanks ladies! It was pretty tough getting those balls on top of one another...but it was a good workout for the day! But it was fun!
