Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our 1st 46' BIG MAMMA!!!!

So Justin and I have been saving money for a little while now for a felt nearly impossible that we would never get one because when your newly married...who has that much money to go and blow on one. Well since I started working, saving money was a lot easier. Well last night was the night! We did it...we got our first BIG SCREEN TV!!! And I'm not one much for getting super excited about a TV, but I have to admit it was kinda fun :)...ok ok so it was lots of fun! When we were at Sam's, Justin was having a hard time deciding if he wanted to spend the money...but the TV was on a great deal!...and you could just see the little kid inside of him wanting to get it. So I let him make the final decision...and BAM we got it! We love our new TV and we already watched Batman on it last night (we chose Batman because it was playing on one of the tv's at the store and it made us want to watch it). Anyways we feel like rednecks though because right now we have no where to put it in our apartment family room. We are waiting to hear on this house we are trying to get and then up it will go in the house family room. So where did we put it you are thinking....yep thats our bedroom. Our 46' tv is sitting on our dresser. But I have to admit watching a movie on it in bed last night was not to shabby. We had a "wonderful" time getting it home from Sam's in our car...NOT! As much as I love my husband he had this "smart" idea to place it in my little Mazda 3 car in the middle of the parking lot where everyone was driving to get around us with evil looks in there eyes. But I was appalled and we got it in...after much frustration we did it! We had to drive the whole 2 minutes home from Sam's with my back left door open...but trust me...there was no way that tv was coming out! It was stuck in good! Alright enough with the are the pics!

This is how we drove home from Sam's......
Justin trying to get it out...
Opening up the box
Isn't she a beauty :)

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