Saturday, November 10, 2012

2nd Annual Halloween Costume Party

We had our 2nd annual Halloween Costume Party at our place again this year! It was a blast just like last year. This year Justin and I really but some more thought into ours to make the competition a little changeling :) I have to give my dear husband the credit though. He came up with this brilliant idea! This year we were Mitt Romney and President Obama. Then our sweet Lucy Jane was a Ron Paul supporter. There were tons of good costumes this year and I'm sad I didn't get a chance to post all of them up here. My camera is being dumb :( But anyways we took 2nd place! Which I thought was pretty dang good considering last year we didnt place at all. Everyone loved it! Congrats to our winners this year though Daniel and Katelyn Rufty! Great job Yall!

Mitt Romney and President Obama and Ron Paul supporter
 Shaking hands to be good examples :)

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